Feb. 2012
It's been 3 months since we left and we realize He has us on a meandering journey. For me, the impatience to find our next church family has finally abated as I realize how diversified is the body of Christ! I wasn't raised in "the church" so this has been a fascinating time of learning about the different denominations of Christianity. I was taken by surprise by "intinction" where, in communion, you dip the piece of bread into a cup and then eat it. I had gone up front and dipped my bread, turning to take it back to my seat when I thankfully realized the drippiness and put it in my mouth. I returned to my seat, red-cheeked.
I'm not sure where we'll go this weekend to church - weekly we ask for God's direction and usually find it in the personal invite, prayerful direction and even the impromptu decision on occasion. So far we've visited an Evangelical Free Church, a couple of non-denominationals, a Presbyterian and UCC church and I can't wait to see what He has next for us - whether this week or for longer.