Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Update: ExtraOrdinary Musician Becky Cappelli

As I interview ordinary folks with extraordinary stories, I uncover some interesting connections. After the ExtraOrdinary Music post of June 2016, I found this picture of Becky Cappelli and myself in an old newspaper clipping, circa 1992, at my folk’s house. 
Lakeland Newspapers, TLC Nielsen (L) and Becky Cappelli (R)
Post interview, Becky moved and expanded her music studio and signed me on as a brass instructor. Her interview changed both of our lives.

Becky's ExtraOrdinary Music Update...

Since moving Songbird Studio to it's new location, which is only a couple minutes south from our original location, we expanded in hopes of providing more opportunities for teaching the joy of making music to more individuals within our community and surrounding communities.

At our new location we now offer three new opportunities!
  • Using the latest techniques, we offer group piano classes to motivate and impact musicians so they can enjoy a lifetime of creative and beautiful music making. Our students love making music with their friends! It's been a blast.
  • We have new teachers available to teach guitar, piano, trombone, and baritone. This has been a very fun and exciting addition.
  • We can now offer our piano students an extra 30 minutes to their private lesson time for activities in a setting where creativity meets technology - in our Music Tech Lab. Added recording abilities will be coming soon!

My favorite part has been the many new faces of people now able to become a part of Songbird Studio. The more the merrier. I am excited for what is ahead for us as we head into 2017!

Waiting Room at new Songbird Studio location

Thanks for visiting the Extraordinary Ordinary blog here at! 

Becky's June 2016 interview can be found here: 

Link to Songbird Studio's website :