Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Extraordinary Host with the Most

by TLC Nielsen

Bria Burton and I were roommates at this amazing Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention called Realm Makers a few years ago. Watching her interview amazing authors live during the Joy on Paper radio show this year on YouTube, I'm in awe at Bria's wonderful ability to chat about so many varied topics. From blogging about running to writing science fiction books, Bria is an author and radio show host with the most.

Welcome to the Extraordinary Ordinary blog, Bria!

Q) There's so much to ask you about, so let's start off with this—which came first, the blogging or the hosting? How did that come about?

Many years ago, I started a writing blog and a running blog. I confess I don't update either of them very often anymore. The guest hosting is a much more recent endeavor that started off as book reviews I'd record and send to Patzi Gil, host of the Joy on Paper radio show for writers and those who dream of writing. In 2022, Patzi asked me to do 2-minute science fiction book reviews that she could air on the show. She started the show nine years ago. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 11 am EST, she interviews authors—from best sellers to brand new and everything in between. 

Q) What made you start writing books?

As soon as I could write words and sentences, I knew I was a writer. My dream of becoming a published author started early. I remember stapling construction paper together to write my first "book" even illustrating the aliens myself (science fiction called to me even back then). I might've been seven or eight years old at the time, but it became an unquenchable fire that drove my decision to be an English major in college and to invest a lot of time and energy into honing my craft through writing conferences and critique groups. 

Q) I see that you have stories in a couple Sci-Fi anthologies—when did that come into the picture?

Years ago, I started submitting short stories at the same time I was submitting and getting rejections on an epic fantasy novel (which is still unpublished). It's a slow process to go through submissions, but I've managed to earn over 20 publishing credits through literary anthologies and magazines, primarily science fiction and fantasy.

At a Florida Writers Association (FWA) conference, I met two authors who wanted to create an author consortium of sorts with the goal of creating speculative fiction anthologies together (science fiction, fantasy, horror). I had recently won an award for that unpublished fantasy novel, and they invited me to join their group of twenty or so authors. Our first collaboration was The Prometheus Saga. We've done a total of six anthologies together under the banner of the Alvarium Experiment (our group name). It's unique in that we independently publish together. 

Q) Okay, how then did you end up as a radio show host?

About fifteen years ago, I first met Patzi Gil, host of Joy on Paper, at a meeting for FWA in St. Pete, Florida. I had the privilege of coming onto the show for an interview about my indie published novellas, and she really liked my voice. In 2022, she asked me to come on as a Special Correspondent for science fiction, which involves me recording 2-minute book reviews that she airs on the show. Eventually she asked me to guest host a Sci-Fi hour, which means I'm the one conducting the live interviews. I love chatting with science fiction authors, and it's become a monthly staple at Joy on Paper which is extremely fun for me.

Q) Is there a current project you're working on that you'd like to share?

I'm currently in last round edits for a science fiction novel called Ring Around the Sun. The story is a near-future adventure in the vein of Raiders of the Lost Ark, and I have a series in mind for it. An agent that I met at the Realm Makers Writers Conference is interested in the book, and I'm going to be submitting to him once I finish polishing it up.

Q) Where do you envision yourself in the next few years?

In many ways, I don't envision much change from what my life is like right now. I'm a mom and my son is currently six years old and in kindergarten, so he'll be doing a lot of growing and changing. But for me, I'm already doing much of what I truly enjoy. Running is another passion for me. I'm a blogger and customer service manager at St. Pete Running Company. I'm highly involved at my church where I disciple women who lead small groups and lead a Bible study. I've been the facilitator of my writers critique group since 2010, the SPwrites (St. Pete Writes).

Q) What's something unique about you the no one would ever guess?

Something unique about me that no one would guess might be the fact that I briefly held the record for girls pole vault at two different high schools. I happened to be the first female pole vaulter at both Centralia High School and St. Pete High. My family moved from Washington to Florida when I was a sophomore, which is why I hold records at both schools.

Discover Bria at her website and on social media:




Thanks for coming to the Extraordinary Ordinary blog, highlighting the stories of folks like you and me and the out of the ordinary adventures we experience. If you or someone you know is an Extraordinary Ordinary person, please contact TLC Nielsen at soulfixer 1 3 (at) yahoo.