Saturday, June 15, 2024

UPDATE: Extraordinary Touch–Reflexology by Melanie

by TLC Nielsen

Welcome back to the EO blog, Melanie!

As part of the Extraordinary Ordinary blog, I do updates on the folks I've interviewed. Melanie Delfiner's original interview was in November 2015.  By 2022, I asked Melanie for an update, which you can read here. She's still on the move, geographically as well as career-wise. I miss our regular appointments, but she's moved on to warmer climates, a fact I totally understand.

The beauty of Tennessee

Hiking in Tennessee

In August 2023, I moved to Tennessee just after receiving a health and wellness coaching certificate. I also received my Master's in Reike that year and started on the long process of registering with the state of Tennessee as a reflexologist. 

I am now working at Healing Hands Massage & Beauty Spa in Farragut, bringing a wealth of healing techniques as a registered, certified reflexologist. By adding REIKE as well as health and wellness coaching to my skill set, I am dedicated to guiding my clients on a path to improve their well-being.

You can find Melanie on social media:

Thanks for visiting the Extraordinary Ordinary blog, where people like you and I share our extraordinary stories!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Extraordinary Host with the Most

by TLC Nielsen

Bria Burton and I were roommates at this amazing Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention called Realm Makers a few years ago. Watching her interview amazing authors live during the Joy on Paper radio show this year on YouTube, I'm in awe at Bria's wonderful ability to chat about so many varied topics. From blogging about running to writing science fiction books, Bria is an author and radio show host with the most.

Welcome to the Extraordinary Ordinary blog, Bria!

Q) There's so much to ask you about, so let's start off with this—which came first, the blogging or the hosting? How did that come about?

Many years ago, I started a writing blog and a running blog. I confess I don't update either of them very often anymore. The guest hosting is a much more recent endeavor that started off as book reviews I'd record and send to Patzi Gil, host of the Joy on Paper radio show for writers and those who dream of writing. In 2022, Patzi asked me to do 2-minute science fiction book reviews that she could air on the show. She started the show nine years ago. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 11 am EST, she interviews authors—from best sellers to brand new and everything in between. 

Q) What made you start writing books?

As soon as I could write words and sentences, I knew I was a writer. My dream of becoming a published author started early. I remember stapling construction paper together to write my first "book" even illustrating the aliens myself (science fiction called to me even back then). I might've been seven or eight years old at the time, but it became an unquenchable fire that drove my decision to be an English major in college and to invest a lot of time and energy into honing my craft through writing conferences and critique groups. 

Q) I see that you have stories in a couple Sci-Fi anthologies—when did that come into the picture?

Years ago, I started submitting short stories at the same time I was submitting and getting rejections on an epic fantasy novel (which is still unpublished). It's a slow process to go through submissions, but I've managed to earn over 20 publishing credits through literary anthologies and magazines, primarily science fiction and fantasy.

At a Florida Writers Association (FWA) conference, I met two authors who wanted to create an author consortium of sorts with the goal of creating speculative fiction anthologies together (science fiction, fantasy, horror). I had recently won an award for that unpublished fantasy novel, and they invited me to join their group of twenty or so authors. Our first collaboration was The Prometheus Saga. We've done a total of six anthologies together under the banner of the Alvarium Experiment (our group name). It's unique in that we independently publish together. 

Q) Okay, how then did you end up as a radio show host?

About fifteen years ago, I first met Patzi Gil, host of Joy on Paper, at a meeting for FWA in St. Pete, Florida. I had the privilege of coming onto the show for an interview about my indie published novellas, and she really liked my voice. In 2022, she asked me to come on as a Special Correspondent for science fiction, which involves me recording 2-minute book reviews that she airs on the show. Eventually she asked me to guest host a Sci-Fi hour, which means I'm the one conducting the live interviews. I love chatting with science fiction authors, and it's become a monthly staple at Joy on Paper which is extremely fun for me.

Q) Is there a current project you're working on that you'd like to share?

I'm currently in last round edits for a science fiction novel called Ring Around the Sun. The story is a near-future adventure in the vein of Raiders of the Lost Ark, and I have a series in mind for it. An agent that I met at the Realm Makers Writers Conference is interested in the book, and I'm going to be submitting to him once I finish polishing it up.

Q) Where do you envision yourself in the next few years?

In many ways, I don't envision much change from what my life is like right now. I'm a mom and my son is currently six years old and in kindergarten, so he'll be doing a lot of growing and changing. But for me, I'm already doing much of what I truly enjoy. Running is another passion for me. I'm a blogger and customer service manager at St. Pete Running Company. I'm highly involved at my church where I disciple women who lead small groups and lead a Bible study. I've been the facilitator of my writers critique group since 2010, the SPwrites (St. Pete Writes).

Q) What's something unique about you the no one would ever guess?

Something unique about me that no one would guess might be the fact that I briefly held the record for girls pole vault at two different high schools. I happened to be the first female pole vaulter at both Centralia High School and St. Pete High. My family moved from Washington to Florida when I was a sophomore, which is why I hold records at both schools.

Discover Bria at her website and on social media:




Thanks for coming to the Extraordinary Ordinary blog, highlighting the stories of folks like you and me and the out of the ordinary adventures we experience. If you or someone you know is an Extraordinary Ordinary person, please contact TLC Nielsen at soulfixer 1 3 (at) yahoo.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Extraordinary Healthy Living by TLC Nielsen

Charlaine Martin is the owner of Be Totally Fit for Life. She loves to help individuals and groups glorify God through stewardship of the bodies in her Healthy Lifestyles program. Her commitment to health and Christian wellness comes as she pursues God through her own unique health journey. I met this resilient lady over ten years ago and was so impressed that I joined several of her healthy living groups online. I've been encouraged seeing God's handiwork through Char and the ministry to which He's called her.

Welcome to the Extraordinary Ordinary blog, Charlaine, where regular folks like you and me share their extraordinary adventures!

Q) Char, how has your own personal health adventure guided you into your healthy living work?

First, thank you for inviting me to share Healthy Lifestyles with your followers! I had no idea my fitness career would take me this way, but God had a better plan than I did. I had no idea that I would find myself living with fibromyalgia, mixed collagen vascular disease, celiac disease, and multiple allergies. When I first began teaching water exercise and Arthritis Foundation exercise classes for seniors with various issues, God was setting a foundation for Be Totally Fit for Life's healthy lifestyles program. 

As my health changed, I had to apply the same principles of personal stewardship to my life. My body is not my own, it was bought at a price through Christ. In order to honor God in autoimmunity, I eat healthy, low-inflammatory foods, practice low-impact exercise, and work with my healthcare providers to serve God, my family, and my community. I teach others how to put personal stewardship principles into practices they can incorporate into their own lives. Ephesians 2:10 guides us in the Healthy Lifestyles groups.

Q) What main hurdle did you encounter along the way and what was the outcome?

Wow! God showed me that everything I have and whatever I do comes from Him. I had to yield my will to His when I found myself with so many limitations. Every breath, every step, and literally everything comes from God. I am not my own! I had to grieve losses of everything I loved about being physically capable of doing—things like Russian-style kettlebells, functional training, and HIIT exercise. I had to let it go. The ability to do those things with ease and grace all came from God.

Now I swim, do water exercise, modified bodyweight exercise, and cycling for shorter distances. I've adjusted my eating patterns to include gluten-free, allergy-friendly food options with more organics. If I didn't, I would do so much damage to my body. I've discovered that by being a part of disease-specific groups, I function considerably better than most. I'm allowing God to lead me in these healthy choices so I can write and be part of ministries at church while caring for family and friends. 

Q) When did you realize Tai Chi needed a Christian counterpoint and why?

About three years ago, I'd taught PraiseMoves, the Christian alternative to Yoga and wondered if there were any alternatives to Tai Chi out there. I found one, but it came from Tai Chi itself and some of what was practiced still had Eastern religious roots. There wasn't much out there, so I started playing around with what is now ChiRho Flow. 

Last year, I realized I needed to start teaching it online. There are several class members. Unfortunately, my health conditions sometimes cause me to cancel classes occasionally. Right now, classes are on hold while my doctors and I chase down some cardiac symptoms that are connected with autoimmune issues. Thankfully, I've been doing classes on YouTube so that class members can go back through past workouts. My plan and prayerfully God's plan is to begin certifying instructors so ChiRho Flow's future isn't dependent solely on me.

Q) How do you work with churches along with individuals?

Churches can contact me to set up Healthy Lifestyles programs and ChiRho Flow classes via an online forum. I can also train leaders from within their churches to lead and guide them. They can email me to start that conversation. (See links at the end.)

Individuals will usually see posts on social media announcing groups, classes and coaching for Healthy Lifestyles. They can fill out a form at my website if interested and they can make special requests regarding totally healthy living and Christian wellness. I will be offering my Adventures with God, using my new Christian Wellness Journal in April on Facebook, in a unique closed group with videos and discussions that groups members can access at times convenient for them. 

Q) Who influenced you the most in your healthy lifestyles journey?

Honestly, there is not just one individual. I've gained inspiration from gym members, clients, class members, supervisors, and colleagues. One man stands out, though. He was in his late 70s and had gone into cardiac arrest. Paramedics revived him, and he spent quite a while in the hospital. When his doctor released him to exercise at the gym, I welcomed him back when I saw him. He told me, "It's such a privilege to be here! Not everyone can say that."

Q) I noticed you were one of the presenters in the Healthy Living Summit this year—how did that turn out?

I'm privileged to teach a workshop at the Healthy Living Summit with some fantastic, talented Christian women this second year! Last year went really well. Participants loved my practical tips for making healthy food swaps and integrating exercise into their daily routines. I have 45 women in my workshop this time.

For this year, I felt God nudge me to teach about Christian Wellness because so many Christian women are beaten down in life. Many have unknowingly integrated New Age practices without realizing these draw them away from God rather than closer. I've received glowing feedback from those who have hear my message. Women can still participate by watching the recorded sessions for several weeks afterwards, but there is a fee since the Summit has ended. Here's the link.

Q) How has your health and wellness ministry changed since I've been involved?

Good question! I backed off for awhile because I burned out with it. But I have shifted more toward proactive agers taking care of their health, to do more for longer. I help them consider their health conditions when they are frustrated with weight loss and redirect their focus to healthy living. The ministry aspect is woven throughout. I find myself helping them recognize the false promises of the New Age movement and putting Jesus back at the center of their lives.

I've also changed the way I work with groups. Healthy Lifestyles did well for a lot of people, but it became outdated. I do updates for churches that continue to use this program. Currently, I'm inviting people to use the Christian Wellness Journal I created. We work from what they already know, but more emphasis is on integrating classical Christian disciplines. They still work on goals, make healthy swaps and find ways to work in fitness. People are gathering now for it starting April 2nd.

Q) What's one surprising thing about you? 

Hmmm. I think it is that I'm a nerd. Most health and fitness pros were the cheerleaders, athletes, and social butterflies. Certainly, I've been a martial artist since 1996 and a swimmer since 2000, but these are individual sports which works for a nerd like me. Because of the traits that go with nerdiness, I look at individuals' needs to help them from an analytical perspective as I help them solve problems and create solutions. I'm also not one to follow the crowd, so I assist people to look outside the box and connect with God at a deeper level.

Thank you for reading the EO blog, finding the EXTRA in the ordinary. Please contact Charlaine Martin on her website or on social media.


Friday, March 15, 2024

UPDATE: Extraordinary Counseling by TLC Nielsen

Colleen Ryan and I worked together in the public library in the pre-pandemic days, and she graciously agreed to be featured on the EO blog back then (original interview.) Both of us have moved on to other careers in the meantime and so it's a privilege to share what she's up to currently.

Welcome back, Colleen!

Thank you for the opportunity to provide an update on my counseling and mission trips.

Last time we spoke, I was opening my own counseling practice and, although I've been told I'm a really good counselor, I soon discovered I'm not so good at marketing and publicity—I had more open time slots available than filled. So I was thankful when the opportunity came to be hired by the Biblical Counseling Center to work at their Arlington Heights location, and I've been really busy with clients ever since. By my choice I work 18–20 hours a week and absolutely love helping people find both help and hope through God's Word. For the Bible has a lot to say about anxiety, depression, communication, anger and so much more.

My "sweet spot", if you will, is working with women between 25–80, although I find great delight in working with 13–25 year olds too. Oftentimes we deal with the same issues, but they just present differently with different age groups of people. I offer both in office and online counseling. Interestingly enough about 75% of my clients choose online. Now granted, I do have some clients who are out of state as well as out of the country, but even some of the local ones tend to gravitate toward online. There's something to be said for the "commute" time.

I'm still leading annual mission trips to Honduras and find so much joy in doing that. My husband and I have been doing so since 2002, missed 2020 due to Covid, but right back at it in 2021. There's something about being stretched to go out of our comfort zone and help people in need.

Since 2022 we've added annual trips to Bolivia as well. Due to my counseling experience, I was asked to provide missionary care to a sweet group of people there who oftentimes need a listening ear, help navigating a difficult situation, or guidance with needing to improve communications to better facilitate conflict resolution. Interestingly enough, missionaries are just like us. And so my husband and I make annual trips to Bolivia to spend time with them to continue building those friendships and come alongside them with help and encouragement. Throughout the year, we also stay in contact. It's a blessing to serve them in this way.

So as you can see, life is full and rewarding in my various endeavors. I'm so thankful for the doors that God has opened and how He's equipped me to come alongside and help hurting people.

 If you're interested in pursuing counseling or training to become a counselor, check out Colleen's workplace, Biblical Counseling Center. You can also contact Colleen via email: cryan (at) biblicalcounselingcenter (dot) org.

Thank you for visiting the Extraordinary Ordinary blog! If you know someone with an extraordinary story who'd like to be interviewed, please email TLC Nielsen at soulfixer13 (at) yahoo (dot) com and put EO blog in the subject line.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Extraordinary Caregiving: Venus Schrader

You've made it to the Extraordinary Ordinary blog where TLC Nielsen records the extraordinary adventures of regular folks.

Extraordinary Caregiving

I bumped into Venus Schrader at a writing convention and am so glad we started chatting! Her unique path of learning self-care as a caregiver to her spouse has her now leading retreats and writing books about caregiving as well as making a difference as a licensed massage therapist.

Welcome to the Extraordinary Ordinary blog, Venus!

Q) Caregiving is a unique calling. At what point did this calling come into your life?

I was born a caregiving Big Sister to Jay, my brother three years younger, and sister Sarisa, seven years younger. Single Mom to four spunky kiddos. These prepared me for my 20-year mission field as the full-time caregiver to my Husband.

Q) How did massage therapy factor into your caring for your spouse?

Being trained as a massage therapist taught me the importance of self-care. Practicing those skills I teach my patients: breathing, stretching, hydrating are the Big three. Helped me to care for my husband from a place of love and not frustration.

Q) Where were you when you first knew massage therapy was the job for you?

I was at home recovering from being (temporarily) blind due to diabetes when a massage therapy school commercial came on.

Q) At what point did you realize how important self-care is for caregivers?

When I woke up in the ER with a blood sugar level of 1500 and my husband in a wheelchair at my bedside.

Q) Why did it take so long for you to administer self-care?

I didn't have time to care for myself. All my energy went into keeping the humans alive in my life.

Q) How did God use your caregiving to reach people outside the family?

In the midst of this, I teamed up with my ministry partner and we started hosting ministry events to encourage women to fulfill God's purpose for their life. 

Q) When did you know God was using your circumstances for good?

When our faith increased and our relationship with God grew stronger. Despite 12 surgeons telling us Randy wouldn't survive the procedure. He did every time. Randy was truly a living, breathing miracle.

Q) Where is God leading you now?

God is leading me to share my story and to encourage other caregivers to take care of themselves. I am working on a podcast to share the information from the book I'm working on.

Q) What is one surprising thing about yourself? I have been to two Sir Elton John concerts!      

Venus Schrader is a team member of the Beauty for Ashes (BFA) retreats for women alongside Andy Lee and Debbie Hufham. Check out Venus' website here and see a photo of us together!

Ladies, you can also attend the March 1–2, 2024 BFA virtually—check it out.             

Friday, September 30, 2022

UPDATE: Extraordinary Ordinary Grace and Therapy by TLC Nielsen

 Extraordinary Grace and Therapy 

TLC Nielsen's EO September 2022 blog

Christine South finished our mutual friend Lona Dinnell's interview on the EO blog after Lona passed away unexpectedly. She also shared some of her own story, from engineer to naturapathic therapist.

Welcome back to the EO blog, Chris South!

We'd love to know about the alternative naturapathic therapies you're trained in to help others as well as how you're carrying on Lona's legacy.

Q) How did you and Lona end up working together in the beginning?

In 1983, I went to work at a place called DyCast. Lona worked in the front and I was hired as an inspector. She would see me but I was so quiet that she,who was about 5' 2", turned out to be afraid

of me. One day on break together, Lona turned to me and said, "I've been terrified of you." This was because, she said, I was the only woman out working on the floor. Lona soon started looking for me at work parties and we were young so we hung out together.

Q) What's the best thing you learned from Lona?

Lona would socially drag me out, especially after my husband and I split up. I think she made friends very easily. She decided she loved me and kept me around. I was part of her tribe. The best thing was having a good friend, someone who knew everything about me.

Q) Naturopathic healing is only one of your jobs. What else do you do for work?

I have worked in the manufacturing industry since 1975, starting out as a book keeper. Then the company eliminated that job and put me out on the floor as an inspector. They asked if I could read blueprints and I said I could draw some for them. I had taken a lot of drafting in high school. I promised myself as one of a family of 11 that I would take one college class per semester. I started out in mechanical engineering, then took classes in mathematics, programming, CAD and more.

Q) Why do you do both, engineering and healing therapies?

When I was really sick, my daughter was in chiropractic college. She would have her classmates come and work, train really, on me. Holistic medicine saved my life! Rachel had graduated and found a job before I decided I was done with engineering classes, having taken more than 400 or so. Lona had opened a Reike studio with a reflexologist so I made an appointment with her and asked her where she studied. I called that Institute, and finally there was a cancellation so I could enroll and start training.

I make the most money in my day job (engineering) and my house needs lots of work. My passion is in holistic therapies, which includes reflexology, cranial sacral, acupressure, Reike, Korean hand therapy, and the rest. So I now do both.

Q) Who helped you get started in the different natural therapies you do?

Lona started me by introducing me to Melanie who did reflexology (see Melanie's EO blog update here.) When I enrolled in a reflexology class, I asked the teacher about the points in the body, especially those going up the leg. She told me I didn't need to know. You don't say that to an engineer, someone who investigates the "why" of things. In Quality control, the five whys determine root cause analysis. Knowing the deep enough why helps one figure out how to correct a problem.

Q) Where is God leading you next?

I don't know, he hasn't shown me yet. But I know that he always has a plan, and I'll recognize it when  he does. 

I'm finishing the build of a traveling therapy bus. It'll be utilized as a therapy bus AND a vacation vehicle. 

Well, I drove my architect crazy because I wanted a tetris bus—everything must move. So it has two full-size beds that are actually the seating. A builder made boxes so the trifold mattresses become seating. The boxes are short enough to fit under the mattresses when folded out. I'm just finishing the cabinet that gores in the bus for the kitchen.  And there's even a commode, a bedside one utilizing biodegradable bags. I have a Solo Stove Campfire for cooking! 

Q) What is something surprising about you?

As a child, I didn't talk much so I was put in the problem-child class. In eighth grade, my teacher—Mr. Buluchi— convinced us to try our best to answer the placement tests. The results came back as showing I should have been in advanced classes. In high school, all my classes were advanced, but I didn't take  home any homework. I had a 4.0 grade average all four years.

Contact info for Chris in Northern Illinois:

Reclaim Your Body Holistic Wellness Center

Reclaim Your Body Website

Thank you for visiting TLC's Extraordinary Ordinary blog, where regular folks with interesting stories are featured. If you know someone who has a story that should be told, please email me at soulfixer13 at yahoo (dot) com and put EO blog in the subject line.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Extraordinary Wielder of Words by TLC Nielsen

Terrance Niedziela is both a teacher and an author plus, we discovered this year, a pretty good swordsman! I bumped into him on opening night at a North Carolina writing conference (BRMCWC) and then again in the swordsmanship class later on in the week. I enjoyed meeting this very interesting wielder of words, middle school English teacher and author!

Welcome to the Extraordinary Ordinary blog, Terrance!

Learning sword play
Q) First off, how did you get drawn into your full-time profession as a middle school teacher?

My original plan was to be a history professor, so I graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor's degree in Ancient Middle East History and a minor in Creative Fiction. In 2012, I moved to South Carolina and married an awesome and beautiful nerd. I worked as a substitute teacher and behavior manager for a couple years, and my mother-in-law encouraged me to pursue a master's degree. I looked into master's programs for history but found none close by. I investigated English (my second academic passion) and discovered I could get a degree online. So I attended Southern New Hampshire University and graduated in 2017. Once graduated, the Lord told me to apply to the local school district. Since I didn't have an education degree, I needed to certify through an alternative process. I applied to the certification program and for a position as a 7th grade English teacher. A few months later, the district hired me and now I'm beginning my 5th year. I am 100% confident that Jesus called me to teach, and until he releases me, I will continue in this position!

Q) What subject is your favorite teach and why?

I enjoy teaching story writing. Nonfiction/informational writing is all right, but fiction writing enables students to delve into the recesses of their imaginations to create all sorts of interesting stories. It has been rewarding for some students to express the desire to be writers when they grow up. Some former students are still writing! An awesome young man from my first year of teaching has allowed me to give feedback for a fantasy novel he is writing.

Q) So as you wield words in your classroom, where do you see the most impact on students?

I see the most impact when I tell my story, and they find out how my life experiences match theirs. As I model and teach Jesus' transformational love, I have had some sweet God encounters. Every year I have had at least one student tell me how much they appreciated my demanding their best while listening to and supporting them. The old saying of people not caring what you know until they know how much you care is true. Teachers wear many "hats" and I won't go into all that. Suffice it to say, being able to minister hope and love to a student whose life is consumed with hopelessness means more than teaching them grammar or anything else. 

Desk of Terrance Niedziela Jr.

Q) How did  you morph into becoming an author? Was it something you always wanted to do?

I like how you used the word morph. I am a kid of the 80s and 90s and at once thought of the green ranger from the original Power Rangers series. My journey to becoming a writer began with what I read and watched. The Bible as well as fantasy and science fiction stories in books, television, and movies about honor, chivalry good fighting evil, adventures, etc. inspired me to create my own stories like them. 

What started out as daydreaming, telling stories to my siblings, and acting out our own stories as we fought monsters and dragons on my dad's property developed into putting them down on paper. As my family and school situation deteriorated, I created stories where I was all powerful, invulnerable to any injury, and always the winner. Over time, my motive changed to writing to minister the gospel in story the way C.S. Lewis, George MacDonald, and other favorite authors did.

Q) Who influenced you the most into becoming a wielder of words, both in the classroom and in stories?

I know it sounds cliche, but the one who influenced me the most to wield words is the Holy Spirit. I have developed the habit of praying before I do anything in regard to writing. Even if all I am doing is brainstorming. I pray and ask the Holy Spirit to write through me. God is the original storyteller, and it was His words that brought our universe into existence. He is infinitely creative. If you don't believe me, look at the duckbill platypus and pictures coming from the Webb Telescope. My motto verse is Psalm 45:1: "My heart is overflowing with a good theme, I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer." God dictates, and I am the scribe. Things flow much more smoothly when I am submitted to His Lordship.

The human who influenced me the most in my youth in regard to my writing was my seventh-grade English teacher, Miss Cepitis. She encouraged me to keep writing at a time when I was ready to give up on everything. Now I'm a seventh-grade English teacher, and I get to do the same thing she did.

Q) When did you know that you wanted to be an author?

I have wanted to be an author since elementary school. I reveled in writing stories for my English classes. My first attempt at authoring a book was in fourth grade. Some harsh criticism from someone close to me ended that endeavor. I made another attempt at authoring a novel in high school and continued writing into my adult years.

Q) At the writing conference this  year, we attended a sword fighting class together and I have to ask the obvious—how did you get so good so quickly at wielding a sword?

The grace of God enabled me to learn.

Q) Last question: what's something surprising about you that you would share with us?

I really can't think of anything surprising. My wife and I will be celebrating 10 years of marriage soon. It's not surprising, just a testament to God's grace and love.

To learn more about Terrance, check out his social media:





Thanks, Terrance, for being interviewed on the Extraordinary Ordinary blog where folks and their extraordinary adventures come to light!